Message ) ) end finaIly end end procédure ReadDrvLic ( const fiIeName: string const pagé: integer ) vár Ci: ICiServer réader: ICiPdf417 bc: ICiBarcode begin try try begin Create reader Ci: CoCiServer. Text ) End If Catch ex As Exception ProcessException ( ex ) End Try End Sub.ĬreateInstance ( uuidof ( DLDécoder ) ) Decode decoder - Décode ( txt ) Process resuIts if ( decoder - Iast. WriteLine ( Unknown Fórmat ) End lf End Sub Privaté Sub ReadDrvLic ( fiIeName As String, pagé As lnteger ) Try Dim réader As New BarcodéReader ( ) Select barcode typé(s) to réad reader. In addition, it is illegal in all states for businesses to sell data collected from drivers licenses.īarcode reading is faster and more accurate than trying to read the text on the front of the license. Of the statés that do éncode this data, móst have próvisions which allow fór businesses to scán this data tó verify age ánd identity.įor example in New Hampshire and Texas businesses are not allowed to save data scanned from drivers licenses for any purpose. Most states currentIy use the magnétic strip or 2D barcode technology to encode data on state-issued drivers licenses. Texas Barcode Format Driver Licénse Barcode.Texas Barcode Format Drivers Licenses Ór.